Saturday, February 23, 2008


I think so!! I am beginning to realize how addicted my children are to video games. Of course, I totally blame Chad because he is also addicted (and we will not mention my Guitar Hero issues!!) The first thing Max asks to do when we get home is "daddy's Playstation"). If I say no then he precedes to request his gameboy, Spongebob game, or the computer!! He will then ask if he can go to Mimi's house and play the WII. He is becoming a monster!!

At least in this picture they are getting along. Max has been very sick this weekend. Yesterday he felt so bad he could not even play a video game, but today we are up and around enough to make it to the recliner!
And of course I cannot leave Boop out of the all of the fun.


Unknown said...

Let them play... you are raising surgeons (good hand eye coordination)! Can't wait to see them. Hope they are feeling better by next weekend. Ella will not let up on insisting to play with Max and Sam. I figured she would forget by the next day, but no she keeps it up.

Becky said...

You know, Sam is getting pretty addicted to the games also, he is just not quite a competitive as Max and Emily are. They have to tendency toward knock down dragouts, I think:)

Annie said...

Yes I do believe you are raising mini Chads. I guess it could be worse! :) Ben is getting so big I can't wait to see you guys!!!

Kara said...

All the more reason I don't want one of those machines at my house:)

We missed you tonight at the game, hope all the boys are well!

Anonymous said...

wow boys minds must think alike. I have the same problem that I had to finally make a schedule for when they can play. Of course I do not know how well that takes place when I am not home.

sandybiggs said...

Your sons look like my son, that glazed over look, staring at the tv. Jacob goes through the whole list when we get home too, x-box, ds, computer....whichever is free. He waits for his dad to get home so he can watch him play too.
Katie is right about the surgeons, Todd says that some of the top fighter pilots played video games as kids. So we are just doing our duty to help them get there;)

The Garvie Family said...

I wish I could tell you they will grow out of this stage, but I can't. Reece has been addicted to video games since he was 3. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "but mom, the Wii is good exercise".