Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Actually it was the bread. Max has had a loose tooth for quite some time now. He won't let anyone touch it, he really acts like he may lose his life if he looses that tooth. Anyway, we were at church this evening eating dinner and Max took a bite of bread and his tooth fell out, yes bread, that is how loose it was. Scary thing is, he has now lost five teeth, but only has two new ones. If he doesn't hurry up and grow some of those teeth back in it may be difficult for him to eat. This is the picture I got out of him!


Leslie said...

That is quite some photo! Payton always loses 2 to 3 teeth before a new one comes in in their place. She has Gregg to thank for her new giant chicklet adult teeth - HA

Anonymous said...

5 teeth already? Jaden's dying to loose just one. We do have two that are barely loose though! I wonder if she'll freak about actually pulling it when the time comes....

The Garvie Family said...

Bread? That thing had to be real loose if bread is what pulled it out!! I love that picture!!