Monday, November 17, 2008

Great News!

I just figured out how to access my blog from work WOOHOO (you know school filters and all) so now I should be able to post more often! Don't tell anyone (and hopefully my boss won't read this :) and maybe you will be able to hear from me more often! Now I won't even be able to use my excuse of being to busy in the evenings. I hope you all get to hear from me again soon!


The Loves of Lacy said...

Good Lord!! I thought you were going to say you were pregnant!!!

Mandy said...

HAHA, Honestly, to me that would not fall under the "Great News" category! But you just made me laugh out loud!

Leslie said...

I also thought you were going to announce you were pregnant. HAHA

The Garvie Family said...

I thought someone was pregnant and with Katie and Annie already being prego, I assumed it was you or Sally. I think I would be much happier to be able to access my blog from work than be expecting another child..that's just me though.

Unknown said...

I'm afraid I thought the same thing as the others! And I'm afraid I've already discovered the secret blogging at work. Not that I do. I just check it. Really! No, I'm serious!