Saturday, January 31, 2009

Picture tag!

This picture cracks me up. It is my dad in highschool taking football pictures. I bet he still wishes he had all that hair!

Now to complete this tag go to your fourth picture folder to the fourth picture and post it for everyone to see. I tag Annie, Katie, and Sally!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I don't have a fourth picture folder I just have one.

Becky said...

I think this could start a new fad, if any of today's high school players see this picture :)

Annie said...

I LOVE this photo of Dad!!! Why was it in one of your folders, its not a digital pic? He is soooooo fierce in this pic! :)

Leslie said...

That is such a fun photo. I'm amazed that they were able to get such a suspended action shot that many years ago.